Contact Details for Emergencies and to Report Faults

Service Contact
Emergencies 107(landline) |021 480 7700 (cellphone)
CCT Service Requests link to C3 request
Electricity Faults 0860 103 089 | SMS 31220 |
Illegal Structures 021 596 1999
SAPS Pinelands 021 506 2022
Book Scouts Hall Recreation & Parks Department
Tel – 021 444 5802
Email –
All bookings must be made 14 days before the booking date


Overhead to Underground project
The Stella Overhead line to underground project in Thornton, have restarted on 10 August.
The scope of work is to underground the existing electrical mid-boundary lines to the front of the property’s and reconnect the house. It will have an impact on a 108 Houses.
The work will be in
Heldersig Rd
Rifle Range Rd
Pieke Rd
Stella Rd
Tambotie Rd
and part of Cedar Rd.

The backbone of
Heldersig Rd
Pieke Rd
Stella Rd
Cedar Rd and part of Rifle Range Rd, was completed in June 2022.
The backbone of the rest of Rifle Range Rd and Tambotie will be done in August 2022.

The connection from the distribution kiosk to the houses will start in Heldersig Rd from
11 August, the plan is to do 12 house connections per day, but will depend on the availability of the homeowners.

The community liaison officer (CLO)  Mr Bruce Meyer 063 751 9709, will be handing out letters to homeowners and making appointments with the electrical construction manager on site Mr Piet van der Merwe 083 997 5919 for the house connections.

On 30th November 2021 we had a meeting with Riad Davids, the new Councillor for Ward 53.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a working arrangement between the Thornton Ratepayer & Residents Assoc. and the Councillor.

We have agreed to meet monthly where he will provide updates on the developments in Thornton.
The updates will be:
1. posted on our Facebook group,
2. posted on our website
3. emailed to our members.
Where possible, general public meetings will be arranged.

The Councillor has been in training, Mayco positions were still being finalized and the position of the Councillor’s assistant was also not yet finalized.
He was therefore not in a position to provide detailed feedback at this point in time regarding ongoing issues.

As for the wall on Viking Road, neither Sub Council nor the Councillor was informed by the City about the wall. He will make enquiries about it.

Just a reminder that TRRA membership is R50pa.
Applications can be done via our website